We learn that:
- There are no good NFC teams.
- Controlling almost the whole game doesn't mean that you are going to win.
- Being inept almost the whole game doesn't mean that you are going to lose.
- The first strategic point in Seattle's two-minute drill is, "Everybody go into panic mode."
- The second strategic point in Seattle's two-minute drill is, "Whatever has worked so far, do the opposite."
- The third strategic point in Seattle's two-minute drill is, "Whatever you do, DO NOT STOP THE CLOCK."
- Good things don't always happen to good people. Sometimes, good things happen to a bunch of haughty, arrogant jerks.
- Eleven more months until the best football games of the year are on TV again.
- Now I don't have to worry about missing my favorite NFL team on TV in order to watch Supercross.
- Hopefully Jerome Bettis will finally retire, and by doing so, bring the average NFL player's IQ up by a good 80 points or so.