Riding a motorcycle without a helmet is stupid.
This story hits home to me because my father, who is smart but not rich, was also recently injured in a motorcycle accident. My father has been riding motorcycles for over forty years. I have never known him to be injured in any way in a motorcycle accident prior to this one. In fact, I don't think he's ever even received a traffic citation during all of that time.

He was taking a corner on a highway at a very reasonable 25 miles per hour. Who knows exactly what happened next. Apparently, the front tire lost traction as the bike high-sided and threw my dad into the rocks that were piled next to the side of the highway.
Here's what happened:
- Broken right ulna near the wrist, and multiple fractures to right radius near the wrist, requiring surgical repair
- Broken left humerus and severely dislocated left elbow with ligament and tendon damage, requiring surgical repair
- Broken left tibia and fibula beneath the knee, and torn left patellar tendon, requiring surgical repair
- Broken left ankle in multiple locations, requiring surgical repair
- Burst fracture to fourth thoracic vertebra, which has not required surgical repair - yet

Here's what didn't happen: He didn't die. He didn't split his head open and die. Because he's not stupid.
For those of you that are stupid: Can you see the scratches on this helmet here? The impact cut entire sections out of the shell. Some of those scratches, like those more horizontal ones on the side, are about 1/8 of an inch deep. The impact was so hard, it burst the face shield completely off the helmet.
I love this helmet. Without this helmet, my dad would now be dead.
If you are stupid, like Ben Roethlisberger, it is time for you to wise up. You might be a great rider. Unfortunately, it isn't always about you. You might be riding properly until you get cut off by some idiot driver in an SUV. Or you might be involved in some freak accident, high-siding into the rocks unexpectedly while going carefully around a corner at only 25 miles per hour. Don't be stupid.