On my way to work today I realized I had severely torn my black leather jacket. This is not good at all.
A leather jacket is a key element of the half bad boy. If I don't have a leather jacket, will my wife still find me attractive? Will I be able to successfully convey that critical amount of badness? I may have to stop shaving so often in order to compensate.
I am actually bummed about this. A few years ago I made a suggestion for a new initiative to my employer that turned into Novell Forge. It was key in my employer's attempt to reinvent itself as an open-source software company, which reinvention was worth about a 50% increase in our market cap, or about $1B. And to compensate me for my key role in this major change, they gave me a leather jacket.
Admittedly, I think my employer got the better end of the deal, but I do love that jacket so it really is quite a bummer that it is now suffering from a pretty substantial tear.
I might actually be forced to go out and buy my own jacket.
Iris Diaphragm Microscope
10 months ago