You have to know my director to know how great this is. I've worked for this guy for about 3 1/2 years now and even though he is technically my boss's boss, I work with him quite often and know him fairly well. One thing about this guy is that he really gets off on pushing your buttons. Usually we end up going toe to toe on this, although it seems like he always ends up getting the better end of the deal.
This is unusual for me as about anyone who knows me will attest. Part of it has to do with the fact that I do work for him after all; I'm not so stupid as to insult someone who is responsible for my bonus planning. But after 3 1/2 years of "I bet you wish your calves were as big as my biceps," or, "You might want to consider having your hair cut by a professional," or, "Do they sell men's watches where you bought that watch?" I'd been waiting for my chance to nail him.
So it comes about today, as we are trapped at a work party where they strategically inserted the holiday sing-along during the luncheon instead of after when it is easier to fake receiving a cell phone call. He's sitting across from me singing, and I'm trying to figure out whether he is singing bass, or a low alto, or just what. After the song, I said to him, "So, what, do you basically just try to sing all of the parts at the same time?" He made some comment about it of course, but I actually saw his face turning red! Oh, this is great. I pointed it out to him: "Wow! You're actually blushing!" to which he replied, "No, it's just the salsa." But the look on his face betrayed him. "I can't believe it! I finally got you! After 3 1/2 years I finally got you!" He just smiled sheepishly and didn't say anything. "This is going in my blog!"
And here it is. Toma!
Iris Diaphragm Microscope
10 months ago