Ars Technica wrote "DRM Still Sucks" in this article that you should read at least briefly.
Saying that DRM still sucks is not exactly news - pretty much everyone knows it by now. Hopefully you are not still buying your music encumbered by DRM. This isn't about being able to do something illegal - I love music and yearn for more good music, and am willing to pay a fair price to support people who produce good music - rather, it is about being able to listen to the music I buy. What happens to your music when the provider of the DRM technology disappears? Will you lose your ability to listen to your music, or have to buy it all over again?
That's why I'm buying all my music from now. Yeah, I still think it is more expensive per song than it should be, but it's worth it to me to support their anti-DRM venture. Buying from sends the RIAA a message that Napster and were not about piracy, but rather about DRM-free music. Perhaps if enough of us buy there, they will eventually come around.
Yeah, I know, it is a lot to hope for - probably unreasonably so. But I'm going to be optimistic and use my money to vote for DRM-free music. I hope you will also.
Iris Diaphragm Microscope
10 months ago