I friend introduced me to ChaCha, an all-knowing being who can answer any question you text to him. Or her. Actually, with a name like ChaCha, I really hope ChaCha is a girl.
Anyway, I asked ChaCha if I should get a Twitter account:
Me: Should I sign up for a Twitter account?
ChaCha: Twitter is a service for family, friends, and co-workers to talk and stay connected through the exchange of quick questions.
Me: Yes, I know, but should I sign up?
ChaCha: If you love to share what you're doing with other people, or find out what others are up to, absolutely!
Gee, thanks ChaCha! What enthusiasm! With an endorsement like that I literally could not avoid signing up.
Alen told me if I got a Twitter account, then I could follow him, and he would follow me. That sounds like a circle to me.
Iris Diaphragm Microscope
10 months ago